This exercise targets: sciatica pain caused by spinal stenosis For this exercise, you will need: an exercise mat Rest your head and back on the exercise mat, hold your knees together and bent, and place your feet flat on the floor. Raise your knees toward your chest, but make sure you don’t lift your back off the floor. With your hands behind your thighs, gently pull both knees toward your chest. Pull only to the point you feel a comfortable stretch. Do not force the stretch, and make sure you don’t feel pain in the back flexion position. After 10 to 30 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat. Tips: Always consult your spine specialist before starting any type of stretches and exercises. With this type of sciatica pain, you will feel some relief when sitting down bent forward — in comparison to standing up straight. When treating sciatica from spinal stenosis, spine specialists often recommend flexion exercises or forward-bending exercises. Forward-bending exercises flex the lower spine and increase the size of passageways, causing the pain and irritation to lessen. Exercises that relieve sciatica pain caused by stenosis include a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises. Backward-bending exercises stretch the muscles that hold the spine straight. Another type of exercises focuses on forward bending. These exercises strengthen the muscles that bring the spine into a forward-bending position. Number of repetitions: Hold this position for 10 …
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