Throughout my adult life I have suffered from pain of one sort or another at levels from mild to excruciating.
No matter what the cause of the pain, the Medical Community responded to my situation in exactly the same way; by recommending one drug or another. I saw myself degraded and minimized by the effects of these toxic substances.
I have been 100 % disabled for the past 20 years. Throughout that time I have met many kind and caring people who told me of homeopathic
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, herbal
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or natural treatments that they thought might help. Some helped and others not so much. But it showed me that there were other remedies and treatments and others like me, also searching for a better way. My search has been a long and painful journey of discovery.
I am not any sort of crusader trying to reform the medical establishment. I am not trying to say that all drugs are, by definition, bad or unnecessary. There are many instances where drugs are the only solution. What I am is, a person who has suffered for years unnecessarily because of the Medical Communities’ blind reliance on drugs, rather than being open to other methods of pain treatment
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and relief.
What I have come to believe is that our bodies have everything we need built-in and that we need only find the best method of bringing it out. Plus, that we are unique individuals and that our solutions to the problem of pain will also be unique. What may not work for one person may seem like a miracle cure for another. With that said, I am including a review on pain relief treatment as well as Ebooks on different topics for your comments and thoughts on how the information or treatments have helped you.
All that I can offer to each of you visiting this site is a forum for sharing ideas, experiences and recommendations regarding pain relief
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without censorship, intervention or ridicule.
What I do hope is that through my efforts there can be the possibility of finding relief from your pain, in a much shorter time than I did. If this is successful my personal search for natural treatments and remedies will have all been worthwhile.
Good luck on your journey and never give up hope!
I make no claim as to the efficacy of any treatment or product and make no promises or guarantees with regard to the outcome of same. Furthermore, I take no responsibility for any claim made by advertisers or contributors to this site.