Your Pain is real- Do you have Mind Body Syndrome or TMS

Your body is producing pain because it’s manifesting unresolved stress, possibly from your childhood, or from stressful events in your adulthood, or from your present circumstances, and as a result of your personality traits (which affects how you respond to stress and how much pressure you tend to put upon yourself). Your mind has twisted your body into pain as a way to avoid some of the emotions that are inside you. If you haven’t been helped by traditional or alternative medical care, the diagnosis may be the Mind Body Syndrome and most people have some form of it. But you don’t have to live the rest of your life with this pain. In fact, if you begin to understand this syndrome and recognize what causes it, you’ve taken a powerful first step. And the rest of the steps, though they require wholehearted commitment, are not difficult. You may be able to rid yourself of the pain, without drugs, without medical treatments (either conventional or alternative), without psychotherapy. Results may occur within 3-4 weeks, even though you may have been suffering for months or years. You don’t have to go back and figure out all your unresolved emotional issues either. Dr. Schubiner’s email is His website for more information is http
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