Upper back pain causes and relief

Upper back pain causes and relief

Article by Jeremy Edwards

Upper back pain is sometimes called the working man or woman?s curse, back pain can come in many forms and severity. From upper back pain between the shoulders, mid back pain, lower right back pain to lower left back pain, the result is the same, discomfort, loss of sleep, nausea and a lowering of life quality. Generally over use is the cause. So how does a suffer cope?

Upper and lower back pain sufferers have a choice; a trip to your doctor, a chiropractor or natural therapists is the best place to start seeking relief for your back pain. Health professionals have studied your problem and can give specific and researched advice. However, if their service is out of your price range at the moment, here is a list of back pain remedies and therapies I have used over my 50 years. I am not a doctor, natural therapist or any kind of health professional, just a fellow back pain sufferer.

If you feel your upper back “go” then rest, ice, compress, elevate (RICE)is your best action. Sports trainers have used this method for years to lessen damage and improve an athletes recovery time.

Try Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s), including aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, but read up on the potential side effects. NSAID’s can be useful in treating headache, muscle soreness, fever, and inflammation, and are generally considered to be fairly safe by the professional medical community. These readily available drug store medications can provide a great deal of short term relief from back pain, however they do not offer a permanent back pain solution and like any other drug, it is questionable if you should be using them for any extended period of time. There is also a natural product called Eazol that I have been using for some time without any side effect.

Topical applications (Rubs) like red tiger balm (menthol, camphor, cajuput oil, dementholized mint oil, clove oil and cassia oil) have given relief to many including myself. Especially for upper back pain between the shoulder blades. There are many brands and types on the market and most are available at your local market, chemist or drug store. Test a small amount on your skin before any large application. A rash is the last thing you need when suffering chronic back pain. Combining a topical application with a dose of Eazol can give fairly instant relief. I also recommend you get a partner or friend to apply the rub for you.

Stretching and lying down with your head and lower back supported is a very viable method of controlling and relieving your back pain. The carpet is the best place to lie down with your supports, but a firm lounge, couch or bed will do the trick. I have had a treatment table constructed at chair height that I find perfect. Use folded and rolled bath towels for your neck and back support.

Tens machines and other Electronic Muscle Stimulating devices can be an effective and safe method for the relief and treatment of acute and chronic back pain. It is not a cure, but when the electrodes from the TENS or EMS are attached directly to your skin around the lower back and engaged, you get a pleasant tingling sensation that reduces pain immediately, even acute or chronic pain that has not responded to all other treatments. I am a user and fan.

Managing your own back pain therapy can be a chore if you are really incapacitated by your pain, so confiding in your partner or a close friend about your pain is a good idea. Ask for help, most will give it readily. Whilst curing your back pain may involve surgery or other intrusive medical procedures, managing your pain can be as simple as using some of the inexpensive methods I have shared in my article. Peace and pain relief be with you.

About the Author

I have always battled back pain and am constantly looking for natural and inexpensive relief. I find Eazol the best oral medicine I have ever used. It was recommended by a friends Chiropractor.

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