Relieve Tailbone / Coccyx and Sciatica Nerve Pain with the Sciata Seat Let’s take a look at inspri’s sciata seating system; namely, the CX, SL and DL models. We’ll be examaning the possibilities for relief each variation offers and how to properly use them. The first one we’ll look at is the CX. shown her in the antimicrobial fluid resistant regal blue cover. A ponty knit executive black cover is also available. The multi-cover option extends to the other models as well. The CX can be used by anyone wishing to sit with more support, perhaps to shield the tailbone from a hard surface, or for those with specific lower body and sitting ailments. To use the CX, one should center the tailbone (shown here in red) in the middle of the seat across the dip or troff as we call it. Pressure is alleviated from the tailbone with the unique troff design. In addition to helping those with tailbone pain sit more comfortably, the CX can also help those with low back pain, gynecological, and prostate issues sit with support and relief. Now lets take a look at the SL. The SL is intended for those with a single sciatic nerve ailment. Here the individual suffers from an injured sciatic nerve in the right leg shown in bright red. The healthy sciatic nerve in the left leg is yellow. The SL should be placed so the narrow end is underneath the affected limb. The tailbone should be centered above the troff near the back of the seat. The affected limb should be cantilevered over the edge of the narrow side of the seat thus relieving pressure from the
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