Prescription Drug Errors News Report

Clip thanks to It’s hard to imagine that pharmacists make 5 million prescription drug errors every year. These mistakes can lead to a myriad of consequences including death and suicide. How does it happen? It happens because so many drugs have names that are very similar. The Institute For Safe Medication Practices has an extensive list of the often confused drugs. One such drug is the pain control narcotic called Avinza (a form of morphine) which is sometimes confused with the menopause drug that helps fight bone loss Evista. Both of these are taken once daily which can further add to the confusion. It can be particularly hard to recognize when a prescription error has happened if it’s the first time you’re filling the prescription. Other times, when the prescription is a refill, patients may be more easily able to recognize that a pill does not look the same as it did previously. These errors affect all age groups, both sexes, and regardless of other factors.
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