Lower Back Pain Therapy With Yoga

Lower Back Pain Therapy With Yoga

Article by Jayan B

Yoga today is quite mainstream with over 15 million practitioners and this number is growing rapidly daily. There is good reason for this because in addition to relief from stress and improved physical health, many people are approaching yoga for help with specific medical problems and with the full support of their physicians. Studies have shown that yoga therapy can reduce chronic lower back pain which has otherwise proved to be a very stubborn problem with only moderate success from purely medical treatments. This is the main reason that so many sufferers turn to alternative therapies such as yoga.

Here is a yoga exercise that should help you reduce lower back pain. As always, please confirm with your doctor if it is OK to do yoga exercises if you have a chronic condition. Another tip is to do all yoga exercises with slow, smooth movements and no sudden, jerky moves. Also, you should focus mentally on your movements as closely as possible, concentrating on any aches you may feel when stretching and keeping in mind that if you feel any pain, you should stop immediately. This mental concentration is not only very relaxing but complements your physical pose to provide a more complete and beneficial exercise.

The Cow-Cat PoseAssume a position on your hands and knees, with your back straight (unbowed) and relaxed, the crown of your head facing front, your face down, your hands straight under your shoulders with palms on the floor and your knees below your buttocks, parallel to your arms. Breathe in slowly and as you do so, slowly drop your belly button down as far as it will go towards the floor along with your trunk and simultaneously lift your heart and head up so that your back is scooped downwards. As you complete this movement and your inhalation, hold the pose for a few seconds along with your breath. (This is the ‘cow’). Then exhale slowly, arching your back by lifting your belly button as high as it will go while you drop your head between your shoulders. Complete this move along with your exhalation and hold the pose and your breath for a few seconds. (This is the ‘cat’). Remember to make the movements flow smoothly from the cow to cat poses and then as you transition to another set. Repeat 5 to 10 times, depending on the amount of time available and how you feel your back pain responding.

About the Author

Jayan writes about yoga, nutrition and weight loss. If you liked this article, please visit DWI First Offense and DWI Lawyer.

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