IceWave NanoTechnology for Chronic Pain Management

Liffewave brings new New Pain Relief Technology even for the most chronic pain. For the mild and temporary stimulation of Acupuncture points Imagine rapid & drug-free pain relief. Now imagine its yours with LifeWave Patches. LifeWaves exclusive non-transdermal patch system utilizes new technology to gently stimulate acupuncture points literally improving the flow of energy in the body for improvement of pain and discomfort within minutes! NEW PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY Were all accustomed to thinking that we have to put something into our body (like vitamins) to improve our health. Its been known for thousands of years that specific frequencies of light can cause specific changes within the human body. For example, when we go out in the sun, a frequency of light causes our body to make Vitamin D. Lifewave IceWave patches use this knowledge to stimulate acupuncture points on the body for improving the flow of energy and producing drug-medicine. A practitioner will typically stimulate acupuncture points on the body with needles or pressure to improve sleep, relieve pain and discomfort, and promote good health. The self-adhesive LifeWave IceWave patches utilize the principles of acupressure to gently stimulate points on the body that have been used to balance and improve the flow of energy in the human body for thousands of years. The result is a natural way of improving your overall health without any drugs, stimulants or needles entering the body. The self-adhesive LifeWave
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