Floor stretches that have really helped me. I started doing these simple stretches 2 years ago, and they have really helped. Somehow I thought the stretching alone would eliminate my back pain. No way. I needed to build muscles to support my back. But the stretching is very important. I now do many of these stretches using a Pilates Reformer (see part 3 of this series). But you don’t need a Pilates machine to do back stretches. I have other stretches I do, but this video covers the ones I consider to be most important, and that helped me the most in eliminating my low back pain. After 8 years of agonizing back pain, I knew I had to do something, and I wasn’t going to take the surgery or painkiller route. Each of the videos in this series will give another piece of the puzzle. After I added the exercises you’ll see in the other videos to the stretches in this video, it only took me 6 months to eliminate my back pain.
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