eardoc – ear infection treatment – non-invasive and children friendly

Eardoc opens the Eustachian tube for otitis media, ear infection, swimmers ear and other ear pain causes.The EAR DOC is an efficient non-invasive device that reduces the ear pain by treating the problem rather than the symptom. Eardoc helps drain the ear with subtle vibrations. Eardoc – the best solution to treat an ear infection and relieve ear pain * Alternative for ear tube surgery * Immediate ear pain relief * Suitable for both children and adults Eardoc is a non-invasive approved medical device for middle ear infection (Otitis media) treatment and other conditions involving ear pain in children and adults. An ear infection is a common condition that affects the middle ear, usually caused by bacterial or viral infections. Typically, an ear infection involves blockage of the Eustachian tubes (narrow passages that connect each middle ear to the back of the throat), responsible for normal secretion drainage from the ear and regulation of air pressure between the outside and the middle ear. When the Eustachian tubes are blocked, fluid accumulates in the middle ear causing an ear infection.
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