Best Supplement For Arthritis – – The Best Supplement For Arthritis Hello! I am here to tell you about The Best Supplement For Arthritis! There are many people in the world today who suffer from arthritis. This is not just limited to seniors, but the young as well. So what is arthritis? Arthritis occurs when a joint is swollen or inflamed and difficult to move. The main reason for the onset of arthritis is the lack of certain nutrients from an inadequate diet. The best supplement for arthritis is one that supplies the body with what it lacks. Stress is also a huge factor. If someone does lots of heavy lifting or runs consistently on hard surfaces this can put lots of stress on the joints and cause wear and tear. This along with an improper diet can cause problems and the body cannot properly repair and heal itself. The conventional treatments for arthritis are drugs that have anti-inflammatory properties. These may come with certain side effects, however such as kidney failure, liver failure, ulcers and prolonged bleeding. There are others that inhibit the enzyme COX-2. This is enzyme is needed for the production of fatty acids in the body. Lack of it may result in cardiovascular problems. Many times these drugs are used together, treating the symptoms but never the root cause of the problem. Since they are all toxic, when used together they could create a host of side effects besides what they create individually. Surgery is also used, but by that time the problem is too
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