An accurate diagnosis is needed for an effective back pain therapy

An accurate diagnosis is needed for an effective back pain therapy

Article by Richard Collins

If only it could be, one perfect back pain therapy that would help you in an instance, but no, there is no such thing. There are so many causes for back pain that when you need to find the right solutions there is just not one final therapy to end all pain. You really need to see your doctor if the back pain will not go away after a short period. Your doctor will do some testing and will give a diagnosis of the cause of the back pain and start a therapy that is specific for your situation. There are so many possible causes for pain in your back, they range from muscle strains and pulls to illnesses or internal problems.

Things like kidney or liver infections and even cardiac problems can give pain in the back area. Taking pain medication for a long period without consulting your doctor could have serious consequences, you really want to know what could be the cause of the pain. Back pain is what it is, pain, and pain is a symptom of a problem in your body, just getting rid of the pain does not eliminate the root of the problem.

The problem that is giving the back pain could very well be life threatening and just starting a therapy because someone said it helped for them could be very dangerous. It is best to let your doctor have a look at it before you start any therapy. Pain is considered chronic if it is present for three or more days a week for two weeks or more and you should have a professional, your doctor, take a look and do some tests so he or she can give a diagnosis and start the right therapy.

Could it be your lifestyle?

Muscles get weak if your not using them much and the moment you ask them to do things they normally are not asked to do they will send out some pain signals to you, well, your brain. The moment you feel that pain you should not start to get in to a therapy that again stresses you muscles, start slow and use the right type of stretching techniques. Not tensing your muscles is what you need to do and with the proper therapy that is exactly what will happen.

Even people who are very fit and work out every day can get a back pain if they concentrate on one muscle group alone. If you are a person with a history in back pain should talk to their doctor and work on a plan, maybe together with a physical therapist, they can use every day to lessen the chances the pain will come back.

In the end it is most important to know the cause of the pain, it not the back that is the cause that is just the place of, or in, your body that hurts. Find out, together with your doctor, what the cause of the pain is and start a therapy based on that knowledge.

About the Author

Richard Collins knows about back pain first hand. He has seen all kinds of doctors and done all kinds of therapies. On his blog he talks about this subject in more detail ranging from a lower back pain knot to burning pain in upper back muscle.

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