What are the Top 10 Natural Pain Killers?
Article by issa
If you’re tired of synthetic forms of pain relief, you are not alone. Many have been moved by the remarkable stories of recovery from natural pain relief cures. From chronic headaches to arthritis, many have found their natural healing. Even the power of the mind has been singled out as the driving force to a person’s healing – like the famous placebo effect that baffles many medical experts. There is a good reason why finding natural options are better. Synthetic pills can easily damage your gut, making your risk to food allergies higher. Our guts contain all those digestive enzymes, glutamine, and healthy probiotics which aid in the proper digestion of foods and absorption of nutrients in our system.
Blame it on your hectic life? It’s still a marvel that the world today is plagued by the word STRESS, which is not even known in the last 100 years. A lot of people are simply restless, depress, and anxious. With these comes decreased immunity from infections and diseases – which leads to a multi-billion dollar business of pain killers. Top three pain relievers are aspirin, ibuprofen, and paracetamol. Pain is just a part of our everyday lives that we pop these pills like a child would eat a candy, only that these pills come with ill side effects in the long run. Folk medicines have existed since the dawn of man’s civilization and sometimes, to find healing, we only need to trace back our roots and look back to nature.
The Top 10 Natural Pain Relievers
1. Olive Oil
Its natural anti-inflammatory properties can be compared to those of an ibuprofen’s. Because of an active substance known as oleocanthal, regular consumption can provide long-lasting benefits. To have the best results, try using extra virgin olive oil.
2. Fish Oil
Rich in Omega-3 and other essential fatty acids, fish oil is your best bet against rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, gout, or Crohn’s disease. Fish oil blocks pain chemicals such as cytokines and leukotrienes. Omega 3 is simply great against joint pains.
3. MSM ( methyl-sulphonyl-methane )
This potent painkiller simply stops the pain impulses in your body, where 80 percent of pain is lessened in people with degenerative arthritis. Being a natural sulphur compund, MSM is widely available as a dietary supplement or topical creams.
4. Glucosamine
This substance is a proven defense against osteoarthritis of the knees. If you’re looking for this natural supplement, try looking for Glucosamine Hydrochloride which is easily absorbed by your body.
5. Boswellia
An Indian herb, Boswellia is great for minor and chronic pains, like rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike your synthetic pills, boswellia is less toxic without any adverse side effects. You can buy boswellia as a supplement or topical cream.
6. Turmeric
Rich in an active anti-inflammatory compound known as Curcumin, this yellow curry spice is a famous pain remedy in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Used for hundreds of years, there’s no report of side effects even in high doses of 8 grams a day.
7. Essence of Hops
An extract from hops, isooxygene, is one of nature’s most potent pain killers – minus the harms an ibuprofen can give to your gut.
8. Red Onion
You may hate the stinking smell, but this red wonder is rich in flavanoids which are great for inflammation. The secret lies in a substance called Quercitin, which you can also find in red wines, broccoli, red grapes, tea, cranberries, and citrus fruits.
9. Devil’s Claw
Native to South Africa, this herb is popular for relieving back pain and arthritis. Although many have been relieved of osteoarthritis of the knee and hips, those who have gastric ulcers should take caution in taking this natural pain remedy.
10. Human Saliva
That’s right! Studies show that the very saliva in you mouth has six times more pain-killing strength than those of morphine’s ( and no wonder why kissing feels good ).
There is no one magic formula when it comes to treating pain naturally. In the end, living a healthy lifestyle and knowing your natural, healthy choices will work its wonder in relieving you from pain. Even a bottle of joy each day can uplift your mood, giving you that invisible shield from all of life’s stresses. Strive to Be… Pain-Free!
About the Author
Passion to live life to the max have made me want to spread the word on healthy living… besides, living life to the fullest is all about getting your dreams and sharing it with your loved ones, and making sure you have all that energy in keeping fit for that tough ride we call LIFE.
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