Ultra fast pain relief after sports injuries such as tennis elbow.

A novel low frequency low intensity ultrasonic device has been successfully tested resulting in an extremely fast (24 hours) pain relief of various (sport) injuries like tennis elbows etc. The multifrequency technology is available with a 20 kHz and 40 kHz combined generator. The person in this movie suffered seven years from severe pain in the elbow due to pression of scar tissue on a nerve. The person was treated for 2 minutes and the next day the pain was gone. How does it work? The oscillation of 10 micrometers peak-to-peak softens the scar tissue and ‘lubricates’ it. The amplitude is comparable to therapeutic ultrasound used by physiotherapists. Our company is currently in discussion with various universities and companies to further test the technology. It is also suggested in various scientific papers that low frequency low intensity ultrasound may cure many disorders as Alzheimer, Parkinson, metastatic cancer, depression etc. Limitation, so far, were the standing waves. We have eliminated these standing waves resulting in uniform waves. More info at 1-888-684-1485
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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