TheraFlex TMJ Jaw Pain Relief Video

Theraflex TMJ Relief. Available at Tens of millions of individuals suffer from jaw pain related to diagnosed temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Many millions more suffer similar jaw/neck pain without an established diagnosis. Theraflex TMJ Relief provides prompt, safe, effective relief directly to the areas of pain in this disorder. Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (Boston, MA) found in a double-blind controlled clinical trial that Theraflex TMJ was safe and effective in reducing pain in the masseter muscle and temporomandibular joint. The Tufts study was published in Cranio: The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice, Vol.22. no.2, April 2004. (link) According to the study, the data indicated significant beneficial results from Theraflex TMJ when it was used twice daily for two weeks. Specifically, it was shown that Theraflex TMJ reduced pain in the masseter muscle by 68% compared to baseline; and reduced pain in the temporomandibular joint by 50% compared to baseline. The researchers concluded: ” TheraflexTMJ has been shown to be a safe, non-invasive and effective treatment for reducing pain in masseter muscles and TMJs. It should be considered as part of the first line treatment or adjuvant therapy for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders.” In addition: * Theraflex TMJ provides health care providers with an alternative to oral NSAID’s and their side effects, narcotic analgesics and intra-articular steroid injections
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