Tag Archives: Naturally
Cherry: Naturally Reverse Arthritis and Gout
Video series about healing foods and superfoods and how they empower your body to heal itself. Presented by Jeff Primack, founder of Supreme Science Qigong Center and author of Conquering ANY Disease. For more information visit www.Qigong.com.Video Rating: 5 / … Continue reading
Giving Birth Naturally – yes it HURTS.
Natural non-medicated childbirth (x2), VBAC (x4), c-section (x1), traditional birth pain relief w/ epidural (x2), hospital birth (x5) – this mom compares 5 different childbirth experiences including her 2 most recent natural births. After giving birth to five children, experiencing … Continue reading
Natural Remedies & Cleanses : How to Soothe a Sore Throat Naturally
To naturally soothe a sore throat, gargle with warm salt water to open the pores and to allow the salt to kill unwanted bacteria. Also suck on natural zinc lozenges and drink warm tea with honey and lemon. Alleviate the … Continue reading
Posted in "Herbal Pain Relief"
Tagged Cleanses, Natural, Naturally, remedies, Soothe, Sore, Throat
Natural Weight Loss | Lose Weight Naturally Therapy
www.gemisphere.com Therapeutic gemstones, a unique form of energy medicine, can help with natural weight loss. Therapeutic gems are an alternative therapy that help a person to lose weight naturally without harmful side effects. Ideally, a weight loss plan helps you … Continue reading
Tinnitus Cured Naturally
www.TinnitusCuredNaturally.com End the Madness in 3 Simple steps. Fully Guaranteed. Welcome, and thank you for stopping by my site, I do believe that I can save you from long term pain and distress together with an absolute ton of money, … Continue reading
Posted in "Natural Pain Relief"
Tagged Cured, Naturally, Tinnitus
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