Tag Archives: Medical
Marijuana and Legalization For Medical Reasons, Have Your Say
Whats your take on this everyone. Medical Marijuana and Legalization, Tackling illegal drugs trade, by legalising it? (26Aug10) www.youtube.com Medical Marijuana and Legalization Reporter Tom Fudge speaks with San Diego Week host Gloria Penner about medical marijuana and attempts to … Continue reading
Posted in "Natural pain relief methods"
Tagged Legalization, Marijuana, Medical, Reasons
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Medical Magnet for Natural Dental Discomfort Relief
Placing a single QuadraBloc medical magnet device over the area corresponding to dental discomfort provides natural pain relief for the wearer.
Posted in "Natural pain relief methods"
Tagged Dental, Discomfort, magnet, Medical, Natural, Relief
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Relieving pain through natural and medical means
Relieving pain through natural and medical means Article by John Scott When dealing with pain people usually want to have a wide selection of options to overcome it with. Depending on the type … Continue reading
Medical Marijuana Use… Understand the Chronic Pain Patient Before You Judge
Marc from Mirror Athlete Enterprises emphasises… To understand why a pain patient would choose to smoke medical marijuana you first must be able to put yourself into their shoes. The only way you could possibly do this is to read … Continue reading
Posted in "Natural pain relief methods"
Tagged before, Chronic, Judge, Marijuana, Medical, Pain, Patient, Understand, Use...
Medical Marijuana – Neural Pain Relief – ENGLISH SUBTITLE.avi
medical marijuana is a natural pain relief. ENGLISH SUBTITLES.
Posted in "Natural pain relief methods"
Tagged ENGLISH, Marijuana, Medical, Neural, Pain, Relief, SUBTITLE.avi
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