www.ReleaseThePain.com Increase Shoulder Flexibility – Sukie Baxter demonstrates shoulder stretches to Increase shoulder flexibility using a simple exercise that anyone can do at home. Shoulder pain is usually related to a lack of shoulder flexibility. I don’t have to tell you how frustrating it is to have upper back, neck and shoulder pain! Not being able to stretch your arms overhead severely limits your lifestyle. But there’s good news…simply practicing these easy shoulder exercises a few times a week will increase shoulder flexibility, relieving upper back and neck pain. This shoulder exercise shows you how improve your range of motion and free upper back tension. You’ll need a long wooden dowel or broomstick handle for these shoulder flexibility stretches. When practicing these shoulder stretching exercises, be sure not to over stretch your shoulder joints. If it’s too painful, widen your hands on the wooden dowel to make the shoulder stretch less intense. If you repeat these shoulder stretching exercises daily, you should see your shoulder pain start to go away within 5 to 10 days. Of course, if you have a shoulder injury, avoid shoulder exercises until you’ve seen your doctor. You certainly don’t want to create more shoulder pain! If you’ve injured the joint or torn a tendon, it’s important to get that properly checked out and repaired. Once your doctor says you’re okay to start building strength again, use this shoulder exercise to both strengthen and mobilize …