Rapid Verbal hypnosis Induction for pain control demonstration. This clip, out of an interview with Sean Andrews, shows the speed a person can get numb. Sean is a well known hypnotherapist from Maryland. After spending a day sharing great information, we filmed one hour of material for future classes. This is the first time I hypnotize Sean so we have no pre-conditioning. Though I’m a bit faster than normal, knowing he is a hypnotherapist with his own experiences. My Jaw was broken by accident when I was five years old. After two years of pain my father trained me in self-hypnosis, so my life as a hypnotherapist was set into motion. By age fifteen I modified Gil Boyne, Dave Elman, Henry Munro my Father Richard Coleman and many other greats technique into my own approach, with a Fritz Perl flavor. It looks simple and I know I’m telling a lot of my secrets in this clip, yet more is happening in this two minutes than most realize.
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