Neck pain relief without surgery – Neck ache relief without injections Have constant neck aches? It might be because of your bite. Here is a story of an Occupational Therapist whose husband is a highly trained Physical Therapist. She suffered for years with TMD symptoms including severe neck pain. Even after two Epidural steroid injection in the back of the neck, there was no relief. She is now pain free with Neuromuscular treatment. Once the Neuromscular orthotic corrected her bite relation and gave her relief, Neuromuscular orthodontics was used to move the teeth to the proven position while developing the optimal shape of Maxillary arch. We have stabilized the results and improved the smile with porcelain restorations. It was her option to do that instead of finishing the case with NM orthodontics alone which would have taken more time and would have resulted in a great smile! Recently AADR- American Association for Dental Research an organization almost entirely run by academic dentists issued a TMD policy. It says, in part, Studies of the natural history of many TMDs suggest that they tend to improve or resolve over time. When she heard what the academics said.she disagreed with it. It was not getting better on its own. Oh, no! For information
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