homefirst.com In Dr. Eisenstein’s clinical experience, over 90% of his patients found relief from pain using the following products: AllFlex™ with Probiotics is an all natural formula for joint health and mobility. The main ingredients are a combination of 5 substances (MSM, cetyl myristoleate, boswellia, glucosamine, collagen type II), which have anti-inflammatory properties and when combined have a synergistic effect in pain reduction. We have also added our probiotic blend for increased absorption and potency. These ingredients separately would be far more costly than the price of ALL FLEX ™. In many instances ALL FLEX ™ acts as a natural alternative to aspirin, Tylenol®, Aleve®, Celebrex®, etc. AllFlex Plus Cream is a combination of nutrients that are found to be beneficial in supporting joint and connective tissue. Yucca which contains antioxidants like Vitamin A, C, and a full complement of minerals combined with Vitamin E as well as Glucosamine, CMO, and MSM make this formula a comprehensive approach to supporting and maintaining proper joint, muscle, synovial fluid and cartilage functions. Pro D 5 with Probiotics Researchers from Mayo Comprehensive Pain Rehabilitation Center in Rochester, Minn. report about one in four patients who have chronic pain also have inadequate blood levels of vitamin D, which might contribute to their pain. Patients who did not have enough vitamin D also needed higher doses of morphine for a longer period of time. Omega3 An analysis was …
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