Natural Pain Relief May Help Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Article by Judy Cutler
According to the American College of Rheumatology, anywhere from 6 to 12 million Americans suffer from the affects of Fibromyalgia with 75 percent of the sufferers being women. Most sufferers rely on over the counter pain medication, but due to the recent media stories about the dangers of these drugs, there is a strong interest in natural pain relief remedies.
Fibromyalgia means pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons – the soft tissues of the body. People have described the pain as deep muscular aching, throbbing and shooting or stabbing. There may also be intense burning.
The current treatments available are:
1) NSAIDS (NonSteroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, VIOXX, etc.) or
2) Narcotics.Although the narcotics offer greater relief, patients are concerned about the potential addictive or dependency possibilities and would prefer to find a natural remedy.
Kristina Mahar, a 58-year old housewife with Fibromyalgia, hasn’t been able to sleep very much over the past couple of years due to the intense pain. She also has not been able to work in her garden for the last three years.
“Since using a natural pain remedy for the past four days, I now sleep through the night with no pain. I use it on my hips, thighs, legs and anywhere that needs it,” she said. “Within 5 to 10 minutes the pain goes away. The relief lasts 8 to 12 hours for me.”
Before finding this natural pain relief product, she was taking a drug that had been recently taken off the market and she needed to find some relief. She tried three to four other products before finding one that would work for her. The relief from these products only lasted for half an hour.
“Today I was able to work in my garden for over an hour with no pain. I’ve also been driving and taking walks again. This is so liberating!,” she said. “I use this product preventively as well – I spray the different parts of my body before I do things that I know will bring me pain and then, no pain!”
A condition like Fibromyalgia can hamper ones ability to lead a full and productive life, but it doesn’t need to. Anyone can experience natural pain relief by finding the right natural pain remedy and resuming living life as intended.
About the Author
Author, Judy Cutler, a well-known nutritionist in Southern California and developer of ‘Naturally Painless’ natural spray-on pain remedy, writes articles on natural pain relief for Real Solution Remedies, Inc. For more information, visit