Natural Pain Relief Formulas
Article by Elias Maseko
There probably isn’t a person on this planet that hasn’t suffered pain at some point and the reason we have this distasteful experience is as a defense against continuing a particular action; like a person who picks up something heavy and hurts their back, so the pain stops them from picking up anything else. Pain can come from any type of injury, illness or condition but it is then our job to locate where the pain is originating from to stop it. Normally once the cause of the pain is treated, the pain will gradually disappear but not always.
This is called ‘chronic’ pain and is distinguishable from ‘acute’ pain by its persistence and common examples of chronic pain include backaches, migraine headaches, and arthritis. Although an extremely common condition, chronic pain has no cure and there is no way to prevent a situation occurring where chronic pain will not happen. It is also true to say that many people that suffer with chronic pain no longer have the condition which caused the problem as it has long since been cured but the pain persists, blighting their lives and gradually getting worse.
The most popular treatment for chronic pain are prescription medications, but these often have adverse side effects ranging from nausea to fatigue, and can cease to be effective once a patient builds a tolerance; many people are now looking towards natural pain relief methods. Acupuncture has been used as a form of natural pain relief and cure for many chronic conditions for over two thousand years. One natural pain relief treatment that has been used for many thousands of years is acupuncture. Using tiny and incredibly thin needles, acupuncture is an ancient medical treatment.
This is used by people who have tried all the normal traditional medical treatments but have found acupuncture brings the greatest relief from pain. The use of herbal remedies must not be discounted either as natural pain relief treatments plus they do not indicated side effects common with other types of pain killers. For the reduction in arthritic pain, Emu oil can be used and people with scarring pain can try vitamin E; these are just two natural pain relief remedies of the many available.
Some people do not like using these herbal remedies, not because they do not provide enough relief but because they take longer to work; the plus side is that nothing synthetic is entering the system that can harm it. The best way to avoid the need for any type of natural pain relief is to look after your health and avoid substances that create problems like processed foods, foods with high salt and fat content, and eat more fruit and vegetables. Also Sleep is essential to good health just as much as regular exercise is, even if it is only walking every day and using stairs rather than the elevator.
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