Natural Pain Killers – Find Out What Works!

Natural Pain Killers – Find Out What Works!

Article by Healthy_Woman

Almost every single human has experienced pain at some point or the other and the pain is our body’s way of addressing potentially harmful changes inside the body. It is another fact of life, different people deal with it differently. We can cope with aches and joint pain by using different prescription drugs available over the counter. There are also several natural pain killers which have been used for ages. Such pain killers are directly derived from nature and they have very little or no side effects unlike the chemical used to make prescription dugs. Natural pain killers are more effective than the over the counter pain killers you may be using everyday. In this article we discuss some natural pain killers that provide effective pain relief.

Just like other anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDs) or Ibuprofen, olive oil can be used as a natural alternative. The oil has a natural chemical that acts on the biochemical pathway. Olive oil reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, blood clots and cancer and when taken regularly, researches have proven that it is often compared to Ibuprofen in its effectiveness of pain killing. Olive oil gives a similar stinging sensation at the back of the throat, when taken undiluted, as that of Ibuprofen and this connected was discovered by the scientists during the Sicily study tour. A compound called “oleocanthal” was named after the words ‘Olive’ and ‘Sting’.

Another powerful pain killer is turmeric, it helps fight inflammation and inhibit body pain and it can be used instead of any NSAIDs and it does not have any side effect as it contains “curcumin”. It is shown in studies that “Turmeric” can be used to stop neurotransmitters that send messages regarding pain to the brain, which in turn reduces the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. To get most benefit from turmeric, it is recommended to consume around 400 to 600 gm of turmeric thrice every day.

The production of inflammatory chemicals such as leukotrienes and cytokines which can cause pain from rheumatoid arthritis and many other forms are blocked from being produced by fish oil which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It can reduce the severe symptoms of Crohn’s disease and an equal dose of fish oil can help wean people off drugs like steroids or other powerful drugs.

A Sulfur compound called Methyl Sulphonyl Methane or MSM is anti-spasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory and it also has the properties of powerful pain killer. It can be consumed as both a topical cream as well as a dietary supplement.

Ginger has been used for thousands of years to reduce pain and inflammation. It contains a compound called gingerols that inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. Take 1 to 4 grams of powdered ginger roots daily, divided into into 2 to 4 equal doses.

A pain killer which is six times more powerful than morphine is found in the human saliva. The human saliva contains a substance known as opiorphin which will be used to produce the next generation of effective pain killers. The pain killer will to substitute morphine and the biggest advantage is that it does not have any of the negative effects of morphine, especially the addictive properties and psychological effects. It could develop into a powerful anti-depressant as well.

White willow bark contain a compound called salicin, that acts like aspirin. White willow bark can be very effective to treat fevers, relieve the pain and inflammation. Conventional treatments, White willow considered better than aspirin and other anti-inflammatory agents derived from synthetic salicylate. There are no well-known side effects reported on willow bark’s use.

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