Natural Home Remedies For Prostate Disorders Part 3 Saw Palmetto, herb widely used in Germany is very useful in treating Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH). It reduces inflammation, pain, nocturnal urination, retention, trouble in starting urination and dribbling. This should be used for 6 to 12 months and is very effective. Goldenseal, an antibiotic is very useful for treating prostatitis. It also heals the urinary tract which winces the swollen prostrate. Lycopene a bioflavonoid extract from tomato reduces dribbling. With strong antioxidant properties it prevents prostrate cancer too. Pollen (bee pollen) is another method to treat prostrate disorders. It shrinks the enlarged prostrate glands within 6 months. Although an embarrassing treatment, prostrate massage can provide relief from inflammation and swelling. This is done by the doctor or nurse who inserts a finger into the rectum and massages the prostate for ten to twenty minutes. Practice Kegel exercises to improve circulation of the tissues. Kegel exercise is done by pulling up all the muscles around the scrotum and anus. Repeat it 10 times and do this at least 5-6 times a day. You can do Vajrasana and Forward Bend Asana (Paschimothana Asana) to treat prostrate disorders. Romania, Bucharest Ipswich, Queensland Albania Tirane Naperville Illinois USA Ukraine Kiev Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte Springfield Missouri USA Joondalup, Victoria Slovenia Lujblijana Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome
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