Insidermedicine in 60 – October 18, 2007

From Dundee – Steroids are helpful for those with Bell’s Palsy, but anti-viral agents may not be. In a randomized clinical trial of over 500 patients with Bell’s Palsy – a condition in which facial paralysis occurs, 83% of those treated with steroids recovered facial function, whereas only 63% of those who received placebo developed facial recovery. From Sydney – While many recommend stretching before rigorous exercise, a meta-analysis of 10 studies failed to show a significant reduction in pain following exercise, when those who stretched were compared to those who did not. In addition, stretching after a workout did not seem to help either. From London – With over 45% of dentists in the UK no longer accepting NHS patients, many in the UK are practicing “do-it-yourself” dentistry. As many dentists have left the public system altogether, wait times for routine dental care can be over 1-2 years. Many patients are pulling out their own teeth and using easy-to-access materials to fill in their cavities. And finally, back to Sydney – Herbal medicines may help women who suffer from painful period cramps. In a systematic review of 39 clinical trials, a concoction of herbal medicines outperformed NSAIDs for both pain relief and getting rid of other symptoms. For Insidermedicine in 60, I’m Dr. Susan Sharma.

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