Immediate Gout Pain Relief Using 7 Simple Steps
If you have simple, effective tips to follow, nearly all tasks you are trying to finish become easier . And when you have help like this, you’re chances of success are much higher.
The number 7 is a lucky number for many people — a number that brings good fortune. So, continuing along that route, I give you my top 7 steps for immediate gout pain relief…
1. Drink Copious Amounts of Water – At Least 3 Litres Every Day.
This is very important because water can help your kidneys flush high uric acid from your body. In addition, water helps to prevent uric acid crystals forming in your joints which cause your gout pain.
Missing this step out could mean that you are constantly dehydrated, and a dehydrated body is more open to gout. So drink loads of water for natural gout pain relief.
2. Eat Heaps of Cherries.
This too is key for the reason that cherries have natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They are known to be able to lower inflammation, and, decrease uric acid levels in your blood.
Consume between 30 to 40 every 4 hours or so during a gout attack.
3. Change Your Diet to a Low-Purine Diet.
This is a critical element as purines are chemical compounds in your body and food that, when they break down, fabricate uric acid which then forms the urate crystals that cause your gout symptoms.
As a result you need to stay away from high-purine food like meats, seafood, poultry, legumes and some vegetables like cauliflower, mushrooms and asparagus. And avoid alcohol, specially beer.
4. Use Herbal Remedies.
Another substantial point is to use the inherent curative powers of herbs like, alfalfa, bilberry, black cohosh, burdoch, buchu, etc. These can drive down inflammation, bring down uric acid and help to disperse urate crystals.
Talk to your local herbalist for information more suitable to your case.
5. Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda).
Pay particular attention to this step: because it can be a very fast way to relieve gout pain and symptoms. Baking soda can dispel crystals, and, help your body flush uric acid better.
Mix a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water (8 oz) and drink 1 glass before bed, 1 in the morning, then 1 every 2 to 4 hours during the day. Repeat until your symptoms have abated.
Note: Baking soda is very high in sodium, so if you suffer from high blood pressure talk to your doctor before using this tip. In any case, all users need to go over to a salt-free diet while taking it.
6. Supplements.
Another important element is this one of not having enough of the important vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are missing from many present day diets, especially when on a low-purine diet.
Think about vitamin B complex, bromelain, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. Check with your doctor of course.
7. Celery Seed Tea.
The reason why this is important is that celery seeds contain many different types of anti-inflammatory properties.
To make the infusion just boil 1 tablespoon of the seeds in 2 cups of water until soft. Strain, then drink a 1/2 cup, 4 times a day until your symptoms have gone.
Note: Because celery seeds are a diuretic, don’t use this remedy if you’re pregnant or have any kidney dysfunction.
Follow these tips for immediate gout pain relief and you can look ahead to success, with all its benefits. In the event you omit or ignore any one of these, you risk getting poorer results than you may otherwise expect. Others have succeeded with these 7 tips for immediate gout pain relief and so can you!
Now whilst these are 7 notable tips for fast pain relief, you also have to think about what happens between attacks; what you need to do to prevent future attacks…
And this is crucial because frequently recurring gout attacks can leave you with permanent joint damage and kidney problems such as awful kidney stones, down the line. Plus, once having had a gout attack, you’re now far more likely to have more.
So next, to get fast gout pain relief, plus, prevent your gout returning in the future, then go to and discover how you can quickly do both.
The author constantly researches health issues then writes reports on his findings so that you are perhaps more aware of the facts, and then, better able to make an informed decision on your choice of treatment and cure. Remember to always consult your doctor first. Please visit Natural Remedies for Gout