Herbal Pain Remedies – Better Than Drugs From The Doctor?
Article by Paul Elms
There has been a recent backlash against some of the drugs that are often prescribed by doctors. Many people are thinking they would like to try herbal pain remedies, rather than rely on what is doled out by their doctor. Is this sensible? We look at this question and what the alternatives are.
If you go to your doctor complaining of pain you are likely to come away with a pain-killing drug such as a NSAID or paracetomol. These drugs have a proven track record in getting to the source of pain quickly. But many people are becoming increasingly concerned over the side effects of drugs like NSAIDs. They can cause bleeding of the stomach lining. If a person is on long-term medication for chronic pain, such as a sufferer of arthritis, this is particularly important.
This has led many people to look at the alternatives that are offered. One of these is using herbal pain remedies. There are many different herbal products that have been used for pain relief down the centuries.
Although herbal remedies are based on natural products, that does not mean to say that they are totally free of any adverse effects. Many of them are benign, but people react in different ways. What may be totally harmless to a thousand people may affect the next person. If you are planning on using them, you should always be aware of this fact.
A popular herbal pain relief remedy is white willow (Salix alba). The bark contains a product called salicin that is effective for both acute and chronic pain. This product has been used in ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, as well as by Native American Indians.
Another popular herbal remedy for pain is comfrey. This herb is also called ‘boneknit’ this is because of its healing properties for damaged bones. It is also useful for wounds and lacerations. The root of this product can be made into a tea or the leaves used topically and made into a salve or poultice. It should not be ingested.
Feverfew is a herb that has been particularly effective for people suffering the pain of headaches and migraine. As it’s name suggests, it has also been traditionally used as a herbal remedy for treating fevers. The active ingredient of the plant is Parthenolide. It is thought to have an effect by reducing the inflammation of blood vessels. It is available commercially as a dietary supplement in tablet form. You can contact a qualified herbalist to find out more about remedies that will be of specific use to you.
About the Author
Find out more about natural treatments for common ailments by visiting http://www.naturalremedyhelp.com. You’ll find advice on natural allergy remedies and tips about natural remedies for menopause.