Herbal pain killer

Herbal pain killer

Several very high profile pain medications which happen to be in the same “family” of pain relievers called nonsteroidal anti inflammatories were actually removed from the market, with the FDA citing serious health hazards, and even some resulting deaths that were linked to the pain medicines.

The most recent and notable high profile removal was the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer’s yanking of Bextra, due to the reports of serious skin reactions in patients being treated with the drug for pain. Also following suit, two other widely prescribed pain relief medications, Vioxx and Celebrex were linked to heart risks and complications.

The reportedly dangerous side effects of these pain killers lead many to panic and search for alternative means to relieve their pain, including massage therapy, meditation, yoga, and herbal and natural supplements that relieve pain, so they may avoid the potentially life threatening consequences of some of these prescribed pain medicines.

There has almost always been natural and homeopathic remedies for relieving pain, but most of the time they did not compare to the strong pain relief that a narcotic or pharmaceutical pain drug could provide. People really look for a powerful yet gentle and viable alternative for chronic pain such as back pain, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia, including muscle pain related to injuries and nerve damage.

Some of the commonly used, but unfortunately mildly effective remedies for pain relief include various dosages of “Devil’s Claw”, Willow Bark, Boswellia, Camomile, Bromelain, St. John’s Wort, Horsetail, and numerous other herbs and compounds too numerous to mention, and too diverse in their effectiveness to be able to adequately gauge how effective they would be on the specific individual, since we all respond differently to natural treatments, just as we do to different medications and allergies.


drizharnium@gmail.com, Bangalore India

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