Hemorrhoid Pain Relief – Home Remedies
Hemorrhoids can be both painful and embarrassing. One of the early signs that a person is suffering is constant itching in the anal region. If not dealt with early they can evolve into a painful ordeal. Fortunately with all of the research toward understanding this ailment, the worst of the symptoms can be avoided.
Since hemorrhoids are caused by the natural processes in the body not working correctly, natural remedies may be the answer to dealing with them. One of main causes of hemorrhoids is constipation stemming from a lack of proper amounts of fiber in your diet. Other possible causes may be straining during bowel movements, sitting for extended periods of time and even pregnancy.
While there are many treatments available at your local drugstore, bear in mind that their results will only be temporary. These treatments use synthetic chemicals to do this.
One of the most effective natural treatments for hemorrhoid pain relief is witch hazel. It has been a proven treatment with the ability to reduce the swelling and thus helping alleviate the pain associated with hemorrhoids. Applied about 3 times a day, the symptoms should become more tolerable.
Other herbs which can not only aid in curing but also preventing hemorrhoids include:
• Emu oil: apply on the affected area to reduce the pain and discomfort.
• Aloe Vera for its soothing effect.
• Vitamin E oil can also bring pain relief.
• Butcher’s broom for its anti-inflammatory properties.
• Sitz baths: fill a small tub with hot water and sit for about 10-15 minutes twice a day. Essential oils such as lavender, juniper and geranium can also help alleviate the symptoms.
Ultimately, lifestyle changes and taking herbal medicines can help you get rid of this problem forever. Getting more fiber in your diet or taking a fiber supplement is a good start. Diets low in fiber are the primary cause of hemorrhoids. Adding fiber will loosen up your stool making it easier to pass.
Hemorrhoid natural treatments has more information.