Going Natural in Finding an Effective Joint Pain Relief
Have you been experiencing some joint pains? The causes of joint pains may vary, therefore, it is just logical that you do not take any pain reliever to get rid of the discomfort. A joint pain relief can only be effective if you consider where the pain is coming from.
Here are a number of possible joint pain causes:
* Wear and tear – Wearing out and tearing of the cartilage due to osteoarthritis (joint inflammation), injury, or overuse.
* Metabolic conditions – Conditions that affect metabolism like pseudogout and gout. These conditions are results from deposited substances into the joints.
* Septic arthritis – This type of arthritis is also called joint infection.
* Autoimmune disorders – This is when a person’s body produces antibodies against its very own tissues. Examples of these disorders are systematic lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
If a person is experiencing any of the above conditions, he or she may be prescribed with medications for pain relief. Some are taken in tablet forms while some are injected into the joints such as steroids. However, if you are one of those people who think that going natural is the best way, then there are also herbal medications available to serves as joint pain relief. Below is the list of some of the most time-honored herbs used in treating joint pains:
* Boswellia — Boswellia extract is believed to substantially reduce swelling and pain. People with rheumatoid arthritis are said to also experience decreased morning stiffness by using it. It inhibits inflammation-causing substances and relieved pain, speeding up the formation of the cartilage. It is also said to improve the supply of blood to the joint areas.
* Ginger — Researches suggest that the roots of ginger can inhibit the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. These substances are involved in pain and inflammation.
* Menthol and Camphor – These compounds commonly found in a lot of over-the-counter backache medications are chemicals that help ease muscle tightness. Menthol, is a natural component of plants from the mint family like peppermint and spearmint while camphor is found in coriander, hyssop, and spike lavender.
Aside from using herbal medicines, another effective and natural way of relieving joint pains is by practical therapies. Here are some therapies you can easily have even within the comforts of your own home:
* Heat Therapy – Use a hot compress and put it over the painful and stiff joint for 20 minutes. Do this even up to three times a day. The heat increases your local blood flow and it improves your flexibility. Even just a simple warm towel can be used to do this therapy.
* Cold Therapy — Use cold packs or buy any of those over-the-counter cooling sprays. They help relieve acute pain. They work by numbing the nerves around the joint and help you forget about the ordeal you are going through.
* Hydrotherapy — Relaxing or exercising in warm water can reduce muscle tension significantly. The water helps your joints take some of your weight and this makes it easier for you to move.
Knowing what causes your joint pain is very important in determining the correct remedy for you. If your condition does not need you to take any synthetic and chemical medication, going the natural way may prove to be the safest and most effective joint pain relief that will work for you.
Are you looking for the best effective joint pain relief? Visit www.reliefblend.com today for more information!