* * * * * FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT US * * * * * BVM Medical, Trinity Lane, Hinckley, Leics, LE10 0BL Email – Info@bvmmedical.com Tel – 01455 614 555 Fax – 01455 614 546 * * * * * * * * * * PATIENT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * What is chronic sacroiliac joint syndrome (SIJS)? Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome is pain that originates from the sacroiliac joint and the nerves which innervate this joint. SIJS is characterized by the acute onset of pain during torsional strain, and/or tenderness over the affected joint. This pain can become chronic, which is defined as lasting longer than six months. Chronic sacroiliac joint pain can be very debilitating. It can be difficult to properly diagnose and therefore to treat. This pain can produce a severe aching discomfort across the lower back and buttock region that is usually worse in the early morning and after extended periods of sitting. SInergy™ System for treatment of SIJS* Is sacroiliac joint pain slowing you down? Chronic sacroiliac joint pain can be a frustrating and debilitating condition that can be hard to diagnose. Treatments are often short-term or extremely invasive. Fortunately, there is now a new treatment option. Sacroiliac Joint Neurotomy for SIJS* using the Pain Management SInergy™ System, “sin-er-gee”, has been developed in order to give back pain sufferers a minimally-invasive option that can offer long-lasting relief from SIJS. * SIJS: sacroiliac joint syndrome What is the Pain Management SInergy …