Consumers Questioning Health Products

Samantha Chmelik, Head of Global Consumer Health Research, explains how more consumers are becoming wary of products in the health care market. With recent recalls and negative press, purchasing health care products can be a confusing ordeal. Chmelik discusses how consumers are seeing more health care opportunities in vitamins, dietary supplements, and herbal remedies. Consumers are even looking to certain food and beverage products as alternatives to pills and supplements. Chmelik talks about traditional over the counter products, their counterparts in vitamins and dietary supplements, and their equivalents in food and beverages. The first example is vitamin C, which: Can be taken in a pill form Is found in orange juice Can be found in a power dietary supplement which can be mixed with water Can be found in a drink such as Vitamin Water Pain relievers, or analgesics, is the next category. Consumers are turning to different pain relievers, such as: Pills such as ibuprofen Hot and cold patches Hot and cold gel packs An upset stomach is a common problem for many people. Many health and wellness options exist to relieve upset stomachs, and consumers are relying on: Antacids in a chew or gum format Liquid products that coat the esophagus and stomach lining Ground ginger or ginger root The last category Chmelik explores is children’s medication. Parents are especially concerned about what kind of drugs they give to their children. Chmelik discusses the following types of

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