MANUAL SPINAL ADJUSTMENT Chiropractic is a branch of the HEALING ARTS that utilizes the body’s own powers of natural healing energy. Chiropractic focuses on disorders of the spine musculoskeletal, nervous systems and the effects of these disorders on general health. CHIROPRACTIC comes from the Greek word CHIROPRAKTIKOS, meaning “Effective Treatment by Hand”. Using the correction and adjustment of the spinal bones (vertebra) the Chiropractor is able to release the nerve pressure on the pinched nerves. Releasing of this nerve pressure lets the normal nerve energy travel from the brain down the spinal cord and exit the spine through the spinal nerves, causing the brain to be able to communicate with the muscle tissues, organs and all other body parts for a healthy, well functioning body without pain. ARTHRO-STIM SPINAL ADJUSTMENT This device is more user specific as it can be adjusted to deliver from a few ounces up to 40 pounds of force. The force is adjusted depending on the initial pressure placed upon the patient’s body by the Chiropractor. Arthro-Stim is an FDA approved instrument. It has been continuously refined and perfected over its 22-year history. The Arthro-Stim gives patients a specific spinal vertebral adjustment, meaning that only the segment that is out of position is adjusted; there is no twisting, turning or “cracking” of joints. This technique permits adjusting in different postures. Most people report a feeling of ease, relaxation and well-being as their …
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