Causes of Lower Back Pain and How You Can Solve It

Causes of Lower Back Pain and How You Can Solve It

Article by Green Herbal

Back pain relief is the choice for thousands of patients suffering from this debilitating condition. If you constantly experience back pain, do not ignore it but seek medical attention as soon as possible. The common causes for back pain include herniated discs, degenerated discs, osteoarthritis, injury or overuse of muscles, facet joints, ligaments, and the sacroiliac joints. Back pain can occur concentrated in one area or in the form of radiating pain from a central point.

Treatment One: Medication

Medications are used for those who are suffering from mild, moderate to severe pain levels. Meds are one of the most popular forms of low back treatment. Pain medication has become one of the most effective and safest treatment options for providing relief. Depending on your level of discomfort, the doctor may prescribe a low dose of analgesics for mild pain Anti inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants may be used for more moderate levels of back pain For faster relief from severe pain injectable narcotics are used. This kind of medication is usually given to those who suffer from intolerable pain due to a medical condition. By far, medications are the most effective methods of back pain treatment.

One of the most obvious types of back pain treatment is the use of drugs of some type. If we are talking about an inflammation that has occurred, then just the use of an anti-inflammatory will help. The swelling causes pain and once you can relieve that, usually the pain will disappear.

Another key recommendation in chronic low back pain treatment guidelines says that in case X-rays or other imaging tests have to be performed on the patient, their criteria should be clearly stated. These criteria should specify the nature of the back pain of the patient under treatment and its causes. Besides these, the chronic low back pain treatment guidelines also specify that the course of treatment and nature of medicines prescribed should be clearly explained, according to the nature of the back pain.

However, if you pain persists, then other oral medications maybe prescribed, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs).


Treatment for sciatica follows the lines of treatment for a slipped disc. Treatment with Connective Tissue Manipulation and the Mackenzie Exercise Regime reduces the tension around the spine and changes the mechanics of the disc helping it to return to the normal position and resolve the problem.

Treatment for lower back pain varies depending on the cause. Obviously, the cure for a simple strain would be totally different than a sever disc herniation. Unfortunately, many physicians use a “one size fits all” approach to back pain. This is one of the reasons why back pain sufferers go from one back pain treatment to the next searching for the one true cure for lower back pain.

If you are suffering from lower back pain and are sick and tired of being in pain and missing out on life, then read on for more details on the cause of back pain and what can be done about it.

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