Best Massage for Pain Management

Best Massage for Pain Management

Article by Tina Woodall

When you are in pain you will do anything for relief. Massage is great for pain management. The problem is in knowing what type of massage is best for your pain. For example, with massage you have different types of styles that are ideal for pain relief and management. Below are guidelines for choosing the best massage style for your particular pain problem.

Pain from Activity and/or Trauma

This pain occurs suddenly because of an activity, i.e. weekend sports, or sudden trauma such as a car accident. For pain that occurs because of an activity, and the pain is not preventing normal activities, a deep tissue, therapeutic massage is appropriate. The massage therapist proceeds with caution, starting with a gentle massage that leads to a deep tissue massage.

For pain caused by trauma, the first thing to be done is to be seen by your physician. Usually they will prescribe an anti-inflammatory and maybe muscle relaxants. Once your physician has given the approval for massage, the same technique of starting with Swedish and then moving to therapeutic is applicable. How fast and deep the therapist will go in your first session depends on how bad the damage is. The first session may actually be pure Swedish if that is all your muscles can tolerate. However, with more sessions, you will be able to progress to therapeutic massages.

Chronic Pain from Illness

People who suffer chronic pain from illnesses almost always are best served by a Swedish, relaxation style massage. The reason is that the ability to cope with pain has been compromised due to the chronic stress. Another way to visualize this is the “pain bucket”. We all have a pain bucket that can hold so much pain. When the bucket has been filled up, our capacity for dealing with pain has been reached. For people who have chronic pain, their pain bucket is already quite full. To have a deep tissue massage that can cause more pain, no matter how “good for them” it is, will stress their body too much and cause more harm.

The purpose of the relaxation massage is to empty the pain bucket as much as possible, which will then enable the pain sufferer to better handle the daily pain better.

Pain from Stress

When the shoulders are up to your earlobes and the neck is stiff with pain because of stress, you need a relaxation, Swedish massage. A massage that will help calm and soothe the muscles so they will release from their tight grip. In addition, the Swedish massage is gentle enough that you can float away and not think any more about the worries of life and work.

The type of pain you have will determine what is the best massage style for you. An experienced massage therapist will talk with you and develop the best plan of action with you.

About the Author

Tina Woodall is a massage therapist in Orlando Florida. Need a massage therapist, Orlando FL? She has a team of family friendly therapists that provide massages at home, hotel or work site. If you are in Orlando and need a massage call her company at 321-251-8267.

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