Back Pain Therapies

Back Pain Therapies

Article by Seth Cooper


Back pain is one of mankind’s most universal physical ailments, as evidenced by patient charts and doctor visits. Despite our widespread experience of back pain, sufferers present widely conflicting reports on modes of treatment. However, the most universal principle seems to be: Exercise, good. No exercise, bad. Bed rest for over 48 hours due to back pain does not promote healing and may well inhibit it.

This information is intended as a jumping-off point for further exploration of back pain therapies that may work for you, and not as a comprehensive survey of the wide range of treatments available today, whether for short-term relief or long-term improvement and recovery.

Experimental or controversial treatments are common. Perhaps the best advice, before embarking upon any such treatment is this: Do your own research. In addition to practitioners, talk to users of any such treatment, along with more conventional professionals such as doctors, nurses, and physical therapists. Realize that those who spend time and money on a therapy have an emotional investment in believing that it works, whether or not its effectiveness can be proven. So ask as many questions as possible, get as many contrasting points of view as you can, and most importantly, remember that it’s your body, and you have the ultimate say over how much time, money, and energy to spend on a particular mode of treatment.

Most lower back pain does not require surgery or ongoing therapy. Medication usually provides effective short-term relief, sometimes by using a combination of over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Check with your physician before taking drugs for ongoing pain relief, however. Even OTC meds may have unwanted and even dangerous side effects.

Ice and heat help some individuals manage back pain, with cold compresses recommended for the first 48 to 72 hours following onset of pain. After that, the best self-therapy appears to be gentle exercise and regular movement, even for a few minutes each day, such as the aerobic exercise available by walking, bicycling, swimming, or wading in waist-deep water. In addition to aerobics, stretching and strengthening exercises that move you into comfortable positions are most likely to benefit you.

Physical therapy helps individuals learn new and effective strategies for managing conditions such as ongoing back pain and repetitive stress injury. Typically, referral to a qualified therapist is made by a doctor. For chronic back pain, a physical therapist can design and supervise an individualized exercise program for use at home, with follow-up at regular intervals to monitor progress, and modify program as greater strength and flexibility develops. Often, patients practice exercises during appointments, and receive feedback on physical form and other finer points. Physical therapists can also provide therapeutic bodywork and other forms of movement therapy.

Some less commonly used back pain therapies include:

– Spinal manipulation performed by a trained, certified chiropractor, osteopath, or physiotherapist.

– Alexander Technique, which one British trial found effective for chronic back pain. A subsequent review concluded that six lessons in Alexander technique, along with exercise, appear to be effective and affordable back pain treatment.

– Massage therapy for short-term relief. Pressure point or acupressure may be more effective than classic massage.

– Biofeedback, which uses a special electronic machine; the patient learns to gain control over body tension, heart rate, and surface temperature. Often combined with other therapies.

– Acupuncture may useful in treating back pain. Practitioners believe the insertion of needles induces the flow of painkilling molecules and improves energy flow.

More controversial treatments (usually lacking well-documented benefits) include:

– Body Awareness Therapy (e.g., the Feldenkrais Method).

– Inversion therapy (said to provide temporary relief due to the traction method, in which the patient hangs from ankles or knees at an angle or upside-down).

– TENS unit and related electrotherapy.

– Injections (e.g., epidural steroid and facet joint injections).

– Ultrasound therapy, now generally out of favor.

About the Author

Find out how you can treat your back pain through my easy to follow course. Find out more on Back Muscle Pain. Seth Cooper runs a site on Back Pain Therapies.

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