BABY BOB: Bug Out Bag for a Baby A lot of us have made ourselves a “BOB” (Bug Out Bag), but so far on YouTube there are not very many bug out bag’s for babies. In this 2 part video series, you will see what I call the “Baby BOB”. It contains all of the items that I think my baby (14 month old son) would need if there was ever an emergency that would require my family to leave our home (Ex: earthquake, tsunami, man made disaster, acts of terrorism, etc). As usual, I am always looking for ideas to improve my prepping items, so please provide me with comments that you feel would help with this specific topic. The Baby BOB is a little bit different than an Adult BOB. Here are a few differences: 1) The baby is unable to carry their own gear 2) The baby has very specific items that they would require that are not necessarily able to be obtained from an Adult BOB (Ex: medicine, food, hygiene) 3) The baby does not need some common/core items that are included in an Adult BOB such as a tent, sleeping bag, water filter, camp stove, etc. They will NEED to rely on their parents to provide them with these key items. 4) The baby cannot communicate with anyone outside of your Bug Out Party, so baby identification will definitely need to be addressed (Ex: they will not be able to tell someone “My name is Joey and I am lost. My parents are John and Dane Doe and here’s their cell phone number…”). I tried to address these and other topics in my Baby BOB to ensure that I will be prepared …
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