Contact : Nemy Lai at 09228136903 / 09228137895 / 09208282192 / 09296838629 by Landline 044-3090341 E-Mail Contact : Nemy S. Lai for Distributorship to ANY COUNTRY Or To obtain this product for personal use. BENEFITS OF NEGATIVE ION: Relief from sore throat, bronchial cough and nausea Relief from sinus congestion and inflammation Relief from allergic rhinitis Relief from migraine headaches Reduction in the severity of asthma attacks Increase energy Increase physical stamina Reduce pain/Relief from arthritis Balance blood pressure Eases breathing Smoothen skin/Helps prevent pimples Regulate cholesterol Loss Weight Relieve tension Reduce inflammation Improve sleep patterns, relaxation & meditation Relieve joint stiffness Speed recovery time from injuries and surgery Enhance immune system Balances PH Purifies blood and lymph Inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus Removes heavy metals Removes blood clot material Improves liver and kidney and lung functions Enhances body detoxification Enhances damaged cell replacement Better regulation of production of neurotransmitters Aids with depression and memory Slows many conditions associated with aging Helps maintain clear vision Increase alertness Improve concentration Heals wounds fast Heals sore eyes fast
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