Acupuncture Pain Relief, Pain Therapy, Arthritis Pain Relief
Article by Gene Schwerman
Acupuncture is used more often for various types of pain relief than for any other single purpose. Acupuncture as pain therapy is perhaps the single biggest reason you see so many Acupuncture offices in the greater Los Angeles area. Well, the value of Acupuncture as pain therapy and the fact that L A has one of the broadest ethnic mixes anywhere in the country.
Los Angeles, in fact, combines all of the socioeconomic elements to encourage a successful Acupuncture practice. L A is known to be progressive, liberal thinking, has a huge ethnic population, a high percentage of oriental residents and is a center of alternative medicine and the growing holistic approach to the field of medicine in general and pain therapy in particular.
Parts of West L A and Orange County are among the most economically prosperous locations in the country so people who want to, can afford alternative pain therapy rather than relying on drugs or just enduring the pain. UCLA was also the site of this country’s first Acupuncture clinic.
A dairy farmer in Madison, Wisconsin might indeed still be reluctant to allow acupuncture on his cows, let alone trying it himself as a form of arthritis pain relief, especially if his work on the farm preceded the general use of milking machines, which might also explain the reason for his needing arthritis pain relief. However, Acupuncture, as a medical treatment has been practiced for many centuries and throughout the world.
While for some, the idea of relieving pain by positioning any type of needle in the body just makes no sense. Others can not fathom the idea that needles placed in different areas of the body might relieve pain in some other area. Still others, however, are willing to undergo needle placement and what ranges in description from “rather enjoyable” to “interesting” to “slight discomfort,” in order to be able to reduce more serious ongoing pain.
Acupuncture can be used for pain relief for both acute pain as for a migraine headache and/or chronic pain such as ongoing back pain, even for symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and cancer pain. It is used for various orthopedic treatments, it has been used to treat a wide variety of illnesses, diseases and conditions all of the way from weight loss, and diarrhea to sleep disturbances; from bursitis, to other simple joint pain, to chronic neck pain and even to Neuropathic Pain.
While the AMA will usually warn you against anyone other than an AMA approved physician treating you for any malady whatsoever. In 1997, the less politically correct United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued a consensus statement on Acupuncture that concluded that despite research on acupuncture being difficult to conduct, there is sufficient evidence to expand its use and encourage further studies of the phenomenon.
In wide ranging opinion on widely seen and used medical practices empirical evidence usually eventually provides the best answers. Many thousands of people across this country and millions more in many other countries now espouse the A through Z benefits of Acupuncture for everything from arthritis pain relief all the way through urinary tract infections and on into zoology. Pain hurts, ask around, Acupuncture helps!
About the Author
Gene Schwerman is founder and head marketing consultant for Truly Unique Website Design. Truly Unique works on websites of all varieties, their clients offer services ranging from acupuncture pain relief to arthritis pain relief.