Natural pain relief 876342
Article by Charley Cobb
There is a reason we have pain and that is to stop us from injuring ourselves further as the pain will normally stop us from doing any more damage. Anything can trigger pain from a headache to a broken bone but the pain gives us an indication of where and what the problem is. Unfortunately, all too often, the pain does not vanish even when the cause has been successfully treated.
People who suffer with back injuries, arthritis or migraines for instance are said to be suffering with ‘chronic pain’; which doesn’t go away. Chronic pain afflicts millions of people and there is no way for you to be completely sure of preventing chronic pain as it can strike at any stage of your life, as a result of an accident or disease. Chronic pain often long outlives its original cause, worsening over time and taking on a life of its own and the longer chronic pain goes untreated, the worse it becomes.
Many people are now tired of taking drugs which they tend to need in larger quantities to work or are afraid of the side effects so are looking for natural pain relief alternatives. One such natural pain relief method is the use of acupuncture, a treatment that has origins many thousands of years old. Using tiny needles inserted into the body at specific locations, acupuncture is a well recognized traditional Chinese Medicine.
Patients with conditions like severe back pain, migraines and arthritis claim it makes their condition much more bearable and relieves pain more than any conventional treatment they have used. For others, they have found that herbal remedies work well for them as natural pain relief because they do not show any indication of side effects common with prescription medication. There are usually several herbal treatments used in natural pain relief for a particular conditions; popular herbal remedies include Emu oil, which can alleviate the pain of arthritis, and good old Vitamin E, which helps minimize scarring.
Some people do not like using these herbal remedies, not because they do not provide enough relief but because they take longer to work; the plus side is that nothing synthetic is entering the system that can harm it. Although it may sound like well-worn advice, perhaps the best advice is to avoid the need for natural pain relief is to take care of yourself by getting proper nutrition and eating fewer processed foods but increasing fruit, vegetable, and whole grain consumption. People often underestimate the need for proper sleep and disregard any advice on regular exercise like walking and refraining from using the elevator to use the stairs, both of which are good for the heart.
Ines Castro——————–BTW, i found a site about carpal tunnel exercises in spanish: ejercicios tunel carpiano
About the Author
Charley Cobb writes regularly about home related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.