Sports injury? Accelerated natural pain relief and healing for sports injuries. Alan Chesney, Olympic gold medalist, talks about an amazing device which he uses to radically bring natural pain relief and promote rapid healing from sports injuries eg knee injuries, joint injuries, ankle injuries, neck injuries, muscle injuries, tendon injuries, soft tissue injuries etc. This device is a combination of two healing strategies: •The ancient 5000 year old wisdom of Chinese philosophy regarding the principles of acupuncture, which has become recognized and accepted by the health professionals. •The latest space age technology called Pulsating Energy Resonating Therapy (PERT). The manner in which it works can be likened to a tuning fork! When the tuning fork is struck, its vibration resonates with the corresponding piano string which stimulates and activates the string so that it starts playing. In a similar way this device sends various pulse forms and frequencies which stimulate the body tissues such as capillaries, cells and connective tissues. This leads to:- •improved blood circulation •improved oxygenation of cells and tissues •increased nutritional supply to cells and tissue •increased removal of metabolic waste and CO² •improved cell metabolism And basically that means that it creates optimum conditions for the body to heal. So the user has rapid healing and reduction/elimination of pain. When this little device is strapped on to the affected area and turned on, the body will immediately start to

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