Actual Hemorrhoids Pain Relief That Works
Article by Mike Hickmon
Hemorrhoids can be an uncomfortable and a painful experience. Anybody who is suffering from or has suffered from piles in the past will know just how much the condition can affect your everyday lives. Hemorrhoids is not easy to get rid of or cure completely but thankfully there are many ways in which you can treat hemorrhoids and there are also plenty of different hemorrhoids pain relief available to help make your life a little bit easier while you are fighting to get rid of them. Take a look at this article for more information on the types of pain relief available for hemorrhoids sufferers.
Herbal pain relief: a lot of people swear by herbal remedies when it comes to hemorrhoids pain relief. There are many different herbal supplements available so if you are unsure of which is best to treat the pain of piles, then talk to a advisor in your local health food store. A good herbal supplement to take for hemorrhoids is witch hazel or butcher’s broom. These two herbal supplements are natural pain relievers as well as contain anti inflammatory to reduce swelling cause by hemorrhoids. Tea tree oils are also a natural pain relief and would work well adding a few drops to a nice warm bath for instant pain relief from hemorrhoids.
Medicinal: with so many different types of hemorrhoids pain relief available, it can be difficult to know which is best for you. There are various types of topical creams and ointments you can use to treat external pain and irritation which can be prescribed by your doctor. You can also get pills for pain relief as well which help to target internal and external pain. You can pop into your local chemists if you are unsure of what medicines to use or talk to your doctor about different pain relief available.
Home treatments: some of the best forms of hemorrhoids pain relief are things that you can do easily for yourself at home. Many people find that a cold compress applied to the area once every two hours does wonders for taking down swelling and easing the pain caused from piles. Something else which works well for pain relief is a salt bath. Simply add sea salt to a warm bath and soak for twenty minutes at least once every day. This will reduce swelling and relax muscles acting as a natural form of hemorrhoids pain relief. A lot of people also find that natural foods such as live yoghurt and hummus can help relieve the pain and itching from hemorrhoids, it all depends on the preferences of each person.
If you would like to know more information on the types of pain relief available for hemorrhoids, then talk to your doctor or pharmacist or take a look on any good search engine where you can find other remedies which have worked for other hemorrhoids sufferers.
About the Author
The author has developed a comprehensive review site that determines which is the best hemorrhoids pain relief site. Please go to to find out how to you can get real hemorrhoids pain relief NOW.