Visit: for more information on acupuncture in Los Angeles. Acupuncture Stress Relief It is well known that stress is one of leading causes of illness. Stress manifests itself in your body in many different ways. The different types of stress that have an effect on your health are emotional mechanical and physiological stress. Acupuncture stress relief is a safe and a effective therapy that will greatly reduce the harmful effects of stress. The key to preventative care is to determine what areas of your body are being affected by the stress in your life. In addition to the tight neck and shoulders that are common in people who have high stress levels, we need to consider the effect on different organs, glands and the nervous system. Through detailed palpatory diagnostic methods, a skilled Licensed Acupuncturist is able to determine which organs and/or glands are most affected. In general, the Liver and Adrenal systems along with the Sympathetic nervous system are involved. This is just a generalization, it is important for each individual to have thorough physical examination to determine what patterns of imbalance are presenting in their body. With this information an individualized acupuncture stress relief treatment can be constructed for each individual patient. The acupuncture treatment will then be focused on resolving the specific issues uncovered in the diagnosis and can be confirmed by the elimination of specific reflexes. This method …