The How’s And Why’s Connected With Stomach Pain

The How’s And Why’s Connected With Stomach Pain

Article by Jeff Neilan

Having your stomach ache is not at all an uncommon experience for anyone. The cause can from anywhere such as simple indigestion, gas, or even a more serious health condition such as an ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hyperacidity, and more. Even beyond the aforementioned there is still a lengthy list of gastro-intestinal disorders that may manifest themselves as a stomach ache. If someone is afflicted by any of these medical condition stomach aches, many times relief will only come by taking a doctor prescribed medication, or even undergoing some type of corrective surgery.

There is still yet another form of stomach ache that appears to have no root cause and isn’t defined by any associated disorder. This is called functional or non-ulcer stomach pain. It is also very common, and may last for many hours and recur again and again. The stomach pain may be accompanied by bloating, nausea, belching, and feeling full after eating only a small amount of food. The pain can resemble that of typical ulcer type of pain with immediate relief being sought.

A variety of pain relief measures are available, including over-the-counter medications, lifestyle modifications, and the use of herbal supplements. Which one will work best is usually determined on an individual basis, however, as with any medical issue, especially if it is chronic, the best place to start is with your physician. In some cases, if one type of relief doesn’t work, there are others that can be attempted. If several various remedies still don’t work, you must consult a doctor to get professional treatment.

Non-prescription medications for stomach pain include antacid and gas remedies. These antacids can be found as pills or liquids. They work by neutralizing stomach acid fast, thus bringing quick pain relief. Medications designed to relieve gas generally have an active ingredient call Simethicone that helps reduce gas build up in your system.

Diet and lifestyle modifications are known to prevent stomach aches, reduce their incidence, and decrease the severity of pain when it does occur. One very simple modification that many can make is to just avoid eating the foods that consistently seem to cause problems for your stomach. For example fatty or spicy foods, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and carbonated beverages are among some of the more common foods that trigger stomach aches. Another tip is to eat small portions with your meal; for that matter, try to eat littler portions more frequently than sitting yourself down for one large dinner toward the end of your day. This approach stops getting an empty stomach, which can result in stomach pain.

There are additional eating habits and way of life modifications which can be made that include but are not restricted to:

* Slow your pace down when you eat. This helps ensure that food is chewed well and digested thoroughly.

* Avoid swallowing excessive air. To achieve this, refrain from smoking, gum chewing, consuming food rapidly, and drinking from a straw. Excessive air can result to excess gas and belching.

* Do not lie down immediately after a meal. In fact, make it a rule to stay upright for at least two hours after consuming a meal.

* Right after a meal, do not exercise or exert yourself physically. Wait until your stomach has settled.

* Stress reduction. Stress can result in a number of health problems with stomach pain turning out to be merely one of these. A good number of stress difficulties is often successfully handled by regular physical activity, and routinely spending time removed from stressful environments and simply participating in some form of calming pastime.

* Being an active person that gets plenty of exercise goes a long way toward a healthier body.

Non-traditional remedies for stomach pain include herbal supplements such as peppermint and caraway oil. Even hypnotic along with other diverse relaxation methods are utilized by some people to get rid of stomach pain that has been non-ulcer related.

Regardless of the type of stomach pain that you may be experiencing, any type of pain that persists or has become chronic should receive a consultation with your doctor.

About the Author

If you’re interested in health promotion and wellness. Be sure to stop by our website at which is designed to help you to learn more about stomach pains or even acid reflux relief while implementing life changes that can help you to be your absolute healthy best!

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