Visit: for more information on acupuncture in Los Angeles. I am going to discuss some of the most common questions new patients have about acupuncture needles when they visit my clinic. Are acupuncture needles reused? In my practice I use only individual packaged sterile stainless steel needles. These are single use needles made from stainless steel that are disposed of immediately after use. In the state of California, reusable needles are illegal. In my opinion there is no reason to use reusable needles. Single use needles are fairly inexpensive and eliminates the risk of cross contamination. How thick are the needles? The needles are very thin, not much thicker than hair. The most commonly used needles are between 38 and 32 gauge. They are not like the needles used for injections which are hollow for the transmission of medicine or the withdrawal of body fluids. Most people associate needles with getting an injection or having blood drawn which is generally painful. Most patients are usually pleasantly surprised that the insertion of the fine acupuncture needles are virtually painless. How deep are the needles inserted into the body? The needles are generally inserted very shallow. The depth is going to vary depending on the part of the body that is being treated. The average point is inserted to the depth of 1 to 1/2 inch. This is going to vary according to different styles of acupuncture. The more fleshy regions of the body, like the …
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