Useful Natural Remedies and Herbs for Gout Pain Relief

Useful Natural Remedies and Herbs for Gout Pain Relief

Article by Ryan Mutt

Gout is a type of arthritis that is commonly observed, which leads to the inflammation of joints followed by acute pain. Persons suffering from gout face occasional attacks of the pain that lasts from few hours to several days and the intensity of the pain being unbearable at times. Gout hampers the mobility of life, restricting normal physical activities making the body crippled and disfigured. If left untreated it may lead to other serious complications like developing kidney stones and kidney failure.

Gout is suffered mainly by men though some women have been found to suffer from this disease post menopause possibly due to the reduced levels of estrogen.


Gout results when the uric acid level in the blood rises abnormally and the kidney cannot flush out the excess. This excess uric acid gets deposited in the form of sharp needle like crystals in the joints, tendons and cartilages resulting in inflammation and acute pain in the joints especially in the big toe, knees, shoulder joints, ankles, elbows and other joints in the hand.

Obesity and excessive consumption of alcohol are the prime causes for gout; whereas other ailments like hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, some kidney diseases are other plausible causes.

Herbal Remedies

People always tend to taking painkillers which does not cure the disease but suppress it providing temporary relief.

1. Alfalfa is stacked with vitamins and nutrients that aids in lowering the uric acid level in blood.2. Cherries, blueberries are rich in Vitamin A, B5 and E. Regular intake of a cup of cherries and blueberries are effective in reducing the gout pain.3. Applying warm Castor oil pack in a white flannel on the affected areas reduces inflammation.4. Taking Apple cider vinegar mixed with honey twice a day helps in speedy recovery from gout.5. Black cohosh helps in maintaining the ph level of the blood.6. Celery seeds can eliminate the excess uric acid from the body but it should be avoided by pregnant women.7. Taking extract of Devil’s claw helps to clean the blood from its toxins. It also reduces the uric acid levels.8. Having ginger bath, by adding one third cup of ginger in bathing water causes excess sweat that flushes out uric acid from the body tissues.9. Hawthorn is rich in flavonoids and anthocyanosides that help in curing gout.10. Application of a pack of Mullein leaves in hot vinegar or water on the affected areas reduces inflammation and the pain.

Sedentary life style also contributes substantially, inviting this disease, so taking to moderate physical workouts and yoga prevents gout and also keeps it under control in case of infected persons; and a healthy diet acting as a beneficial catalyst.

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About the Author

Ryan Mutt

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