Natural Arthritis Pain Relief, Causes & Symptoms
Arthritis pain is an important cause of loss of mobility in your pet as it is in humans. Arthritis pain is caused by: inflammation, the process that causes the redness and swelling in your joints damage to joint tissues caused by the disease process. Ayurveda is used widely to treat Arthritis. According to the Ayurveda, arthritis is caused due to an excess of ama and lack of agni. The reason for this is nothing but poor digestion and a weakened colon.
Pain is the most common symptom of arthritis of the shoulder. Often, the pain is aggravated by activity and progressively worsens. If the glen humeral shoulder joint is affected, the pain is centered in the back of the shoulder and may intensify with changes in the weather.
Treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms and medical history. The rheumatoid arthritis specialists (Rheumatologists) tailor a specific treatment based on your medical history. This may include anti-inflammatory drugs like analgesics etc to ease the pain or administration of cortisone shots to control swelling and stiffness. The specialist may also suggest you medications (like prednisone) to reduce the risk of joint deformity.
Other arthritis pain can be caused by tiredness, or inflammation of the membranes surrounding the joints, tendons, and ligaments. There is no need to strain or to worry about applying too much pressure. Just spin the ball in your hand and it will work the muscles and tendons in the area of your hand, arm, shoulder and even chest. If you are suffering from arthritis in any of these areas, you will be surprised with exactly how much natural arthritis pain relief the Powerball provides.
Symptoms: – The preliminary symptoms for rheumatoid arthritis include swelling of the joints. At first, the delicate lining of the joints are inflamed. Gradually, the joints stiffen and turn red. You may also suffer from a low fever, loss of appetite, and/or fatigue. As the disease progresses, the synovium gradually becomes thickened.
Common rheumatoid arthritis symptoms include:
1. low fever;
2. fatigue;
3. multiple sore or achy joints;
4. multiple swollen or inflamed joints
Here are some facts about “common” rheumatoid arthritis symptoms:
Disease Development –
The disease normally begins slowly however some people may develop rheumatoid arthritis rather suddenly. Rheumatoid arthritis affects every person differently.
Causes: – In rheumatoid arthritis, specific antibodies present in the blood begin to attack the healthy tissues of the body. The disease starts with pain and inflammation in joints. As it progresses, it starts affecting the muscles and other organs also. The disease normally attacks people who are between 40 to 60 years of age. Wrists and hands are some of the first joints to be attacked.
Natural supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin are also used for arthritis symptoms. Unlike salves and teas, natural supplements act to correct the arthritis pain by repairing cartilage damage from the inside out. It may take a day or two to notice the difference but with constant use the results are remarkable and long standing.
For more useful information visit Arthritis Cures and Natural Treatment for Arthritis