Arthritis Pain Relief- Curing Arthritis Symptoms With a Natural Treatment

Arthritis Pain Relief- Curing Arthritis Symptoms With a Natural Treatment

The soothing words of ‘arthritis pain relief’ bring you back to years ago when you didn’t have to worry about the pain, the stiffness, the misery associated with the disease. But now you are willing to try anything for curing the arthritis symptoms. But before you can cure it, you should know something about arthritis.

1. It is extremely important to know the cause before you know the cure.
2. Preventing arthritis is how you cure arthritis.

I understand the temptation with simply popping the pills that make the pain go away for hours. It’s easy and works like a Band-Aid to hide the problem. But during those few hours of comfort, you can actually be doing more physical harm to the arthritic joints. And that is why millions of people are curing arthritis symptoms with a natural treatment.

Two decades ago, it was believed that arthritis was just a symptom of old age. There was nothing you could do about it but deal with the pain. However, this all began to change after researchers discovered how indigenous tribes’ members in undeveloped countries lived to upwards of 100 years of age with no arthritis symptoms documented. What was even more astonishing was how these people would live, hunt, gather, plant, harvest and work right up till their dying day. How could this ever be?

Could a natural and healthy lifestyle be the cause of an arthritis free life? And could arthritis pain relief be as simple as altering your diet?

The Cause of Arthritis?

There are hundreds of different forms of arthritis but most often the cause of arthritis can be blamed on a person’s lifestyle health. Typically, arthritis is caused by the following: poor diet; unbalanced diet; inactive lifestyle; stress; inefficient vitamins; improper breathing; and lack of sleep. And if these are the causes of arthritis; then the cure for arthritis would be the opposite. Let me explain!

Arthritis Natural Treatment

Fact! A thirty year old landfill was recently uncovered and its contents were (to say the least) disturbing. In this landfill much of the garbage was decomposed but one thing of many that was NOT decomposed was a 30 year old hotdog. Scientists say that food preservatives kept the hotdog from spoiling. Are you thinking what I am thinking?

Preservatives are everywhere in our diets. Chances are, if you are reading this article via the internet, you have consumed numerous preservatives and additives already today. Because if you live in a developed country, your FDA has approved over a thousand additives and preservatives over the past few decades.

But what does this have to do with arthritis? Well consider how many tribesmen have never consumed one additive or preservative their entire life; and also have never suffered the slightest pain of arthritis.

Research has concluded that our diet is closely linked to arthritis pain relief. Here are 10 tips to begin your natural treatment today!

Arthritis Pain Relief Tips

1. Cans! Typically anything in a can is loaded with preservatives and additives. Including your average soft drink.

2. Caffeine! Drink less coffee and more herbal teas.

3. Enriched! Anything with the words ‘enriched’ is not a good choice for arthritis.

4. Sugar! Most arthritic symptoms are associated with high amounts of sugar.

5. Stay away from dairy products. If you go with dairy products; go organic. The hormones that have changed the dairy industry have also contributed to the arthritis cases.

6. Fresh fruits and raw vegetables! These water-soluble fiber foods are great for arthritis sufferers.

7. Protein! Eat protein from any lean meat, eggs, beans, grains and nuts.

8. Water! Drink 8-10 glasses of water each and every day! This is extremely important for curing arthritis.

9. Fresh! Stay away from fast foods and processed foods that contain numerous preservatives and additives.

10. Spoil in Weeks! The best foods are always fresh and raw. Eat foods that will spoil after a couple of weeks.

Is There More?

What supplements will save me from pain? What vitamins does my body lack? What breathing exercises (you can do at work) will blast oxygen to my joints. Why does your body need a toxin flush? What foods should you eat and NOT eat? What herbs have helped millions of sufferers? And what can we learn from a deer about arthritis and rebuilding joint cartilage?

If you are serious about a natural arthritis cure, that will save you from the medication and the surgery, please check out our Arthritis Natural Treatment Report that gives a step-by-step remedy that lasts a few weeks and is guaranteed to show results. You can start your treatment today by visiting our safe and secure website.

Joe Barton writes for Barton Publishing which is a leading natural health company with a specialization in natural arthritis pain relief. To learn more about our 100% arthritis-free guarantee, please click below.
Arthritis Pain Relief

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