Pain Awareness Day

The Centre for Pain Research – part of the Faculty of Health – marked The International Association for the Study of Pain’s Global Day Against Pain by showcasing their research on the concourse at Civic Quarter. Visitors were invited to take part in various activities including testing their pain threshold, trying a TENS device and having their brain being tricked into believing they were experiencing sensations from an artificial hand. The Centre for Pain Research showcased their research at the prestigious Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition in London. The stand was visited by the Duke of Kent and the astronomer and broadcaster Sir Patrick Moore, himself a Fellow of the Royal Society. The exhibit entitled, ‘Can electrical stimulation of the skin relieve pain?’ demonstrated the Centre’s research on the response to pain relief by Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), a device which administers pain relief through electrical stimulation on the skin. Students and staff were also be able to discuss pain relief with the Osteopathy, Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture teams from The Clinic, Leeds Mets’ complementary therapies clinic.
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